ISO-Chemie is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of acoustic, thermal and weather resistant sealant tapes, primarily for windows and doors. It also supplies specialist products that can be installed in façades and load bearing walls during construction to provide long lasting external protection from the elements.
Our task
Working for ISO-Chemie for almost 15 years, media relations has been used to support the launch of the company and establish its presence in the UK building products, commercial doors and windows, and construction sectors. Significant PR resource has also been invested in supporting the launch of many new products and generating sales enquiries and leads for these from specifiers and installers.
National specialist trade press coverage has been at the forefront of effectively building and supporting ISO-Chemie’s profile, reputation and sales over many years. Proactive PR has undoubtedly contributed to building awareness and understanding among specifiers such as architects and building designers of new energy efficient products and construction techniques.